Rights for Black Children of China

Image result for Rights for Black Children of ChinaChina has over 13 million undocumented children who were born during the one-child policy it used for decades. Although China has said it will provide these children with crucial documents that will help them retain citizen rights, the task is an uphill battle for the parents, while there are still abortions happening that put women health at risk.

Nevertheless, the abolition of the one-child policy has started a new crisis in major cities of China. As per the Global Times, there is only one pediatrician for every 2,000 children, which is a significantly lower ratio than other developed countries. The Times also reported that pediatricians tend to have lower salaries, while they have an average workload 68 percent heavier than other specialist doctors. More than 70 percent of the parents have complained that they are not receiving adequate medical attention for their children. Earlier this year, Beijing’s Health and Family Planning Commission had already announced that maternity wards may receive well over two million new children. President and founder of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, Reggie Littlejohn told Breitbart News last year that, Couples will still have to have a birth permit for the first and the second child, or they may be subject to forced abortion. Chinese government forced more than 20 million abortions in 2012 alone.

Another major concern is the issue of fake birth certificates due to delay in getting official document sin China. Beijing News last Saturday revealed that doctors from some official medical organizations have been selling fake birth certificates to parents for a fee. The black market for these fake certificates is found in Hunan, Guizhou, Yunan, and Henan. Zhao Dapeng who is in the fake birth certificate business told a reporter that it may cost up to 100,000 yuan for the certificate and couples need to show their household register and marriage certificate.





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